Webinar Archive

⭐ Featured Webinar: Unlock the Potential of AI Tools (Redboard

PLAY BUTTON: The image displays a presentation slide with a dark background. At the top, there is a logo combination for "RED BOARD + AUX." In the middle, an arrow is creatively illustrated with bright orange dots against the dark backdrop, symbolizing progress or direction. Below this, a title in a prominent black bar reads "How to Leverage AI Tools" in white text, with a subtitle "FOR CREDIT UNIONS" indicating the focus of the presentation. The design conveys a sense of innovation and forward-thinking, particularly in the context of financial services and technology.

CECL WARM Methodology (Accolade Advisory)

Benefits of a Holistic Member View (HAWK:AI)

Complete Audits Faster and More Efficiently (Redboard)

Link to video: Complete-Audits-Faster-and-More-Efficiently

Social media compliance with Kristen Tatlock (America’s Credit Unions)

In this episode of the CUNA News Podcast, we address common mistakes credit unions make when using social media, how social media risks are evolving, and some social media do’s and don’ts.

Advertising rules have failed to evolve as quickly as technology. While social media opens many doors, it can also raise serious compliance hurdles.